Froshty Mugs

An occasional forum I use to earn "She was funny" on my gravestone.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Who's Minding the Store?

It's been a while since I posted because I suddenly had a boatload of work I had to accomplish before I left for Lima, Peru, which is where I am now. The last three weeks have been a whirlwind of activity and my time management skills were taxed to the limit, but I got it all done and arrived here safely. I'll write more about my trip in my next post.

Anyway, in my absence, my unpaid office assistants (scroll down to the second post if you click this link) have been holding down the fort. Since I wrote the post about them in June 2006, I have acquired another assistant; his name is Sammy. Here's a picture of the good job they're doing (and you can also see that second law of thermodynamics at work with all the cords): Sammy is to the left of the laptop, Michiru (aka Sausage) is in the window, Ping is washing himself with one paw on the printer paper to the right of the laptop, and Finn is under the desk.

And they say good help is hard to find nowadays...yeah, right!


Blogger Emily Barton said...

I want to know why they're not under the desk, untangling those cords for you.

9:31 AM  
Blogger IM said...

Looks like the store is well minded. Is this the paw-licking department of your business? They look like experts.

9:33 AM  

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